5 Messaging Strategies to Create a Strong, Consistent Brand

Is your messaging consistent across all channels, all the time? With an exploding number of sales and marketing channels, most marketing directors would say “no” to this question. If you fall into this category, the good news is that there are simple strategies that can help build a consistent messaging across all your channels. Here are five proven ways to increase the consistency of your message and brand and rise above the often inconsistent, chaotic

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Simple Tips To Relieve The Stress Of Your Marketing Team This Winter

Stress can come from many different sources for marketing teams including poor goal setting, inadequate resources, or even a lack of training. But, if you’ve noticed that your marketing team is feeling the pressure more often this season, the problem could actually be the weather. While your entire team may not experience Seasonal Affective Disorder as a whole, the winter blues are a real thing that can take a toll on your team during this

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social media marketing

How Can I Create An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy?

Up to 92% of marketers say that social media is important to their business, according to Social Media Examiner. Yet, 88% of marketers say they want to know how to measure their return on investment for social media activities. One of the biggest struggles marketing directors face is measuring their return on investments for their digital activities, which is why it’s important to know how to create an effective digital marketing strategy. What’s the difference

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content visibility

The Right Color Scheme Can Help You Create Great Visual Content

Three years ago, up to 72% of marketers said that the most effective SEO tactic was content creation. That’s still the case today and it will be tomorrow. But while text-based content is important when it comes to engaging with your consumers and answering questions, visual content is just as vital to the success of your marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, creating captivating visual content isn’t as simple as uploading a video onto your website’s main page.

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email marketing

Why Did My Campaign Fail? 3 Rookie Email Marketing Mistakes

According to Hubspot, in 2017, 63% of 4,500 professionals thought that generating traffic and leads was the biggest challenge their company faced. With any challenging task, there is a chance of failure. Email marketing campaigns are no exception. Marketing flops can feel devastating. After all of your team’s diligent hard work, extensive brainstorming, and careful planning, how could something have gone wrong? Before you start panicking and poring over the analytics, and before even talking

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5 Marketing Terms You Need To Know As A Marketing Director

It’s no easy feat to run an impactful, measurable marketing campaign. But you can make your job easier by knowing some of the top marketing terms like the back of your hand. Of course, certain marketing terms are more like umbrella terms. They can often come with a whole slew of other terms that may be necessary to get a better idea of what they mean. That said, rather than giving a list of hundreds

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digital marketing profitability

5 Tips To Help You Be (And Feel Like) A Better Marketing Director

It’s challenging to make the transition from a creative employee to a creative director. It’s one thing to work on your own ideas and those given to you by your boss and another to be in charge of the creative work of others. So how can you get yourself to let go of the reins and trust the skills of your employees? 5 Things You Can Do To Be A Better Marketing Director It’s no

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marketing directors

Yikes! Marketing Mistakes To Avoid With A Millennial Audience

According to Pew Research Center, millennials will outnumber the baby boomer generation by 2019. Every generation is different. It makes sense to shift your marketing tactics to target your next generation of buyers. But targeting millennial audiences requires businesses to unlearn traditional marketing practices. Instead, marketing directors have to adopt new marketing strategies altogether. This can be challenging and often leads to marketing directors making common mistakes. To help you make the generation shift, here are

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digital marketing

10 Commonly Overlooked (But Highly Important) Marketing Metrics

In the digital landscape, knowing how to market your brand can be a real challenge. You may not even know where to find confirmation that your efforts have been successful. Without this information, you won’t be able to discern the difference between a worthwhile endeavor and one that’s a waste of time and money. You can’t simply rely on your gut feeling or on anecdotal evidence; you need to definitively know whether you’re spending your

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digital marketing

A Step-By-Step Guide To Building A SWOT Analysis For Your Business

A SWOT analysis is a technique that’s used to evaluate a new objective or project. Standing for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, a SWOT analysis determines how your organization can move forward on a given project, what challenges may be worth tackling, and what opportunities you may be missing. SWOT analyses are considered helpful when deciding whether to lead with a given venture or strategy. It outlines the positives and negatives surrounding a project so

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