social media marketing

3 Social Media Marketing Strategies To Help You Stay Ahead Of The Game

One of the key challenges for marketing directors is ensuring your social media marketing strategy is not only up to date, but ahead of the game. Social media and digital technology evolve and move at such a pace that it’s critical to plan your company’s marketing strategy in correlation with the future to be in the now. To help inform your company’s digital marketing strategy, here are some of the incoming social media marketing trends to be aware

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social media

Overlooking the Social Part of Social Media

One of the most rapidly evolving aspects of digital marketing is social media. While networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+ and LinkedIn, continue to grow at an exponential pace, new channels are being launched on a regular basis. This has made it a challenge for many marketers struggling to not only get up to speed on the capabilities of each platform, but also to understand the nuances of the audiences using them. It’s

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digital strategy

Not Refining Your Digital Strategy

The topic of digital strategy re-emerges again and again within many organizations. With digital marketing continuously evolving, the conversation is often concentrated on how to best leverage new technologies with the goal of using the latest and greatest digital marketing innovations. Yet, when there is no discussion of how the investment fits into a successful marketing roadmap, there is a high likelihood of less than optimal results. The key to successful digital marketing is continuously

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Are You A/B Split Testing?

Are You A/B Split Testing?

Don’t Miss Out on the Value of A/B Testing There isn’t a set formula for digital marketing. What works for one organization may be a big mistake for another. This is because there are far more variables with digital marketing than with print advertising, direct mail and other traditional forms of marketing. Not only do you have to consider your brand proposition and your supporting content and images, you also need to carefully determine the

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Explaining Lead versus Lag Measures to Your Boss

Parents of school-aged children are experts in understanding lead versus lag measures. The ultimate lag measure is the report card. Straight “A”s indicate academic success. Yet, what if the grades are less than stellar? Little can be done to rectify them once a report card has been issued. The only recourse is doing better next time. Of course, there are many lead measures that can significantly impact a child’s report card, and these are often

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digital marketing metrics

Are You Not Measuring Key Digital Marketing Metrics?

Twenty years ago, digital marketing success meant having a website which served as an online source of information about your organization. Today, a website is only one of many digital tactics that must work together to deliver a consistent message and drive the common goal of generating measurable results. One of the many challenges of today’s marketing professionals is being able to sort through available digital marketing metrics to make smart business decisions. Because the

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An Extra Pair of Digital Hands

Need an extra pair of digital hands for digital marketing services such as content creation and content visibility? Connected Culture is the first and only digital marketing agency specifically designed to save marketing directors from burnout. Contact a digital marketing specialist today and ask about our free digital marketing profitability analysis.

Are You Not Tracking Conversions and Desired Outcomes?

Digital marketing is a multi-faceted, vitally important part of an overall marketing strategy. In fact, it’s just as much about data analysis as it is about strategy development and implementation. Yet, too often, marketing directors fall into the trap of focusing all their attention on creating and managing digital campaigns and neglecting the necessary task of tracking conversions. A website, as well as other digital marketing channels, must be carefully managed and monitored to ensure their ongoing success. And, decisions should be made on accurate data and not on hunches and guesswork.

3 Landing Pages Strategies That Produce Results

Do you have landing pages that aren’t the successful lead generation tools you thought they’d be? Landing pages are just too essential to let them fail. If you’re like many marketers, you’ve had varying degrees of success with landing page strategies, and you may have even begun to question their effectiveness. Before you pull the plug on this key component of your inbound marketing efforts, you might want to try updating your landing page strategies

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How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Save You from Job Burnout

You may remember how marketing departments operated prior to the digital age. Sure, there were deadlines and goals to meet, but projects typically ran at a manageable pace. In stark contrast, marketing professionals today are dealing with fast-moving business elements that range from content development and branding to public relations, SEO and a growing list of digital channels. Skill sets must now also include knowledge of mobile technology, real-time data analysis and even programming. Both

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