Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Doorstep

Create profitable PPC campaigns that produce measurable results.

Pay-per-click advertising is all about getting the most value from each click. From your keyword selection and ad writing to the landing page that needs to produce a high conversion rate from your paid search traffic, Connected Culture can manage your PPC marketing efforts from start to finish.

Whether your PPC marketing campaigns are search engine based or social media based (most social platforms now offer sponsored ads), having the experienced PPC agency New York City trusts in your corner helps relieve the burden of navigating costly campaigns that are really the high-risk/high-reward element of digital marketing.

The 4 Elements of a Successful PPC Marketing Campaign
Paying for traffic ensures that you get eyes on your content. The secret is finding the right eyes—the ones attached to a person who is ready to make a purchase right here and now!

Connected Culture knows that every PPC marketing campaign has four vital components:

     Keyword Analysis – What will a consumer type when he or she is ready to buy as opposed to someone who is just in the research stage of a purchase? The right keywords can make the difference between targeted traffic that wants to browse your product and targeted traffic that wants to buy your product today.

     Ad Content – Getting an ad in front of a consumer only works if you can get someone to click. The right title and description are vital for getting consumers to take that first nvecessary step of clicking on your link.

     Landing Pages – Once the consumer clicks, your ad dollars have been spent. Now it’s up to the landing page to provide a return on your investment. Landing pages need to be heavily sales-driven and encourage and consumer to act now.

    Conversion Metrics – What is the actual ROI of your campaign? Should something be tweaked immediately to increase traffic or conversion rate? Deciphering the metrics and acting on the results are a major component in PPC success.

It’s time to show executives just how profitable PPC campaigns can be and get that digital marketing budget expanded for next year. Letting Connected Culture, the PPC agency New York trusts, take the reins on your paid search advertising campaigns is the first step to providing tangible evidence that your contributions to the organization’s bottom line are indispensable. Contact us today.

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